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Saturday, August 13, 2005

How to convert a SprintTREO 600 to Verizon

Default FAQ: Activating a TREO 600 on Verizon

First and foremost: I did none of the development or research for this process. I am posting this for all those who requested a step-by-step approach. All credits go to the hard efforts by mines, ideefix, syzygy and the many others that made this all possible.

Warning: The following guide is for information purposes only. Programming your phone may result in damage that could render your phone useless and may void your warrantee. Anyone attempting the following does so at their own risk. There are no guarantees or assumptions of liability for anything that you may do. WRITE DOWN YOUR ORIGINAL SETTINGS

Note: It now seems that the Verizon firmware can be installed onto a Sprint phone. I have not done this since I am now using a 650. For instructions, please see Post 293.

Required Hardware:
1. Sprint Treo 600
2. TREO 600 Serial HotSync Cable (serial cables for TREO 2xx, 3xx are OK)

Required Software:
1. Kyocera Wireless PST 3.1 (Product Support Tool). You may have to search around for this, but it was last seen here:
(This software was designed to change the internal information of Kyocera wireless handsets).
2. Verizon PRL file: (see bottom of post)

Required Information:
1. Your TREO 600 MSL (Master Subsidy Lock). Every TREO 600 is assigned a unique 6-digit MSL code.
You must either use special software (BitPIM or UniCDMA) or convince someone at Sprint to give it to you. There were some tricks to doing that somewhere on this forum. There were a few people out there willing to obtain your MSL for a fee ranging anywhere from $5 to $50, but it seems that Sprint somehow put an end to that.
Try here for a link to BitPIM software.
And for how to use BitPim, follow this thread.

In summary, connect the Treo using the cable.
Launch BitPim
On the Treo push ##3424 then dial. For Verizon firmware users, dial #*#3424.
Click on the Filesystem tab and go to nvm --> nvm --> and right click on nvm_0002 and choose Hexdump. You may have to try right clicking on one of the other files (nvm_0003, etc).

The instructions on how to read the data and find your MSL are on that same thread listed above.

Step 1: Changing Sprint's TREO 600 PRL, MSL and Phone Number.

1. Install Kyocera Wireless PST Software
2. Connect TREO 600 using the Serial Cable.
3. Turn on the Treo and enter the phone mode
4. Punch ##3424 followed by dial button.
You should see the message "Passthrough Enabled"
5. Launch the "Kyocera Wireless PST-Service Programming" program
(Start -> Programs -> Kyocera Wireless PST -> Kyocera Wireless PST-Service Programming).
6. Select "QCT-6200" in the Phone Selection dialog box and click OK.
7. Select the "Settings" tab (if not already there).
8. Press "Read from Phone"
9. At the "Enter Service Programming" dialog box, enter the phone's original MSL code.
10. After reading all information, change Service Programming to 000000.
11. Click the CDMA Tab
12. Change the MCC box to 000 (3 zeros) (Write down ALL your original values for possible future use)
13. Change the 11_12 box to 00 (2 zeros)
14. Change the "directory" and "IMSI_S" boxes to your 10 digit Verizon phone number (no dases).
15. Click Roam Tab, and click the "Browse" button.
16. Locate and select the Verizon PRL file.
17. Click the "Write To Phone" button. Wait about 1 minute.
18. Disconnect the Treo

Step 2: Activating your Phone

1. Go to http://www.verizonwireless.com
2. Login to your account and register your TREO 600 ESN.
3. Dial 611 and you should get a Verizon message.
4. You can now dial *228 to update your PRL and Phone setting.
5. If you have "Roaming" message on phone screen, punch ##3825 or ##727 or ##2362 the Dial. This is because the TREO 600 sometimes works as PCS only or CDMA only. 3825 means "Dual", 727 means "PCS (1900Mhz)", and 2362 means "CDMA (800Mhz)".
You can check which Band is being used by punching ##33284.

Step 3: Activating Express Network Data
Note: There are 2 separate methods of doing this. Find which one works for you.
1. Go into Network Preferences --> menu key --> Options --> View Log
2. Type in: "pdpset 1" and hit the enter key...then hit done
3. Use your new MSL code if asked.
Method 1:
4. Create a new service connection...
Hit menu, select New, and fill in:
Service: Express Network
Connection: Virtual Modem
User Name: your10digitphonenum@vzw3g.com
Password: vzw
Phone: #777 (make sure you include the "#" sign)
6. Click on [Details], Click on [Advanced], Click on [Script]
Enter the following script:
Send: at$qcmdr=3
Send CR:
Send: at$qcqnc=0
Send CR:
7. Click [OK], then [OK]
8. Click on Connect and watch your tower icon change to data mode

Method 2: 4. Create a new service connection...
5. Hit menu, select New, and fill in:
Service: Express Network
Connection: High Speed Wireless
User Name: your10digitphonenum@vzw3g.com
Password: vzw
6. Click on Details, click off Mobile IP, then OK
7. Click on Connect and watch your tower icon change to data mode

Alternative Step 3: Activating QNC Data
(Doing this may cause EN to no longer work. This problem may have been fixed somewhere else in this thread. If you find the fix, PM me and I will update it here)

1. Preferences --> Network
menu --> New
Service: QNC
Connection: Virtual Modem
User Name: qnc
Password: qnc
Phone: #777
2. Details... --> Advanced... --> Script...
Send: at$qcmdr=2
Send CR:
Send at$qcqnc=1
Send CR:
OK --> OK --> Connect

Step 4: Fixing Blazer

Go into phone mode.
Enter ##3282 --> DIAL -->
Select [menu] --> Browser --> [Modify]
Clear both Primary and Secondary NGG's and their ports.
Save and browse.

Changing Sprint logo
If you want to change "Sprint" logo on left top side of phone screen, you must edit the banner of TREO internal Modem.
1. Using the "Software Download" feature of Kyocera Wireless PST, you can download all NV Data.
2. Edit the Sprint Banner with a hex editor (like QEdit),
3. Restore again with the modified file to change the logo.
4. For complete details, read further into this thread.

Changing the Phone Startup Screen:
See the attached file below. This will also upgrade your dial pad. I made the splash screen, others made the dial pad.

For detailed programming instructions try here.

Here's a quick tip for updating the PRL: *228 itself will simply connect to the carrier that it's already set to. However, *22801 and *22802 will link to the A and B channels respectively (they're 800Mhz CDMA channels), while *22803 through *22805 (or even 06, etc.. I don't know) link to the 1900 Mhz PCS channels. In New York City, Verizon is the B channel, so that once Verizon Wireless knew my ESN, I could dial *22802 and update the PRL that way.

Works in Progress:

1. Picture messaging
2. EMS (1,000 character SMS messages, as opposed to the normal 160-175?)

Again, thanks to everybody here for making this possible.

PM me for any errors/corrections...

The attachments below are for the sign-on/off screens specific for Verizon and the PRL zip file
Attached Files
File Type: prc PhoneAQUA_VZW.prc (128.9 KB, 704 views)
File Type: zip verizon-50018-PRL.zip (1.7 KB, 1080 views)

Last edited by GalenMD : 06/02/2005 at 08:59 AM. Reason: Updated info


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